28 November 2014

1867 – Rebellion and Confederation

1867 – Rebellion and Confederation is a new exhibition just opened at the Canadian Museum of Civilization Canadian Museum of History.
The exhibition "takes us back to the series of historical milestones that sowed the seeds of Canadian democracy and self-government. The exhibition highlights a chain of events that had a domino effect leading to dominion. The first was in 1837, when Queen Victoria ascended the throne, and democratic and anti-colonial movements were shaking Europe and the Americas.

It tells the whole story in detail and adds valuable political, social and economic context to help us understand how this historical legacy influences us today."

The exhibition features about 200 historical artifacts including the original British North America Act from Library and Archives Canada and from other institutions in Canada, Britain and the United States.

No need to rush. It's open until January 4, 2016.

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