22 June 2014

Ottawa Branch OGS AGM

Saturday 21 June 2014 saw an elite group of Ottawa Branch members assembled for the branch Annual General Meeting.
Branch Chair Norah Larocque-Cousins opened the meeting.
Kyla Ubbink, Treasurer, reported that 2013 saw a small surplus at the end of the year, a little under $400. Membership, publication sales and interest earnings remained steady, and the Ottawa Genealogy 2013 event saw a profit. The cost of producing and distributing the branch news decreased slightly, mainly due to more members choosing to receive the publication electronically. She encouraged additional members to do so as it saved a considerable amount in printing and postage. Meeting expenses have decreased dramatically thanks to the City of Ottawa Archives providing free access to their facility for meetings. The library offset many expenses by selling duplicate books and donated books that had no relation to the library's content. This allowed the purchase of much-needed archival supplies and books that enrich the collection.
Recognition in the form of 30 year membership certificates went to four members, Dolly Allen was there to receive her's in person. Ontario volunteer awards to six members were announced.
Heather Oakley, who was one of the Ontario volunteer award recipients, reported on her work for the OGS awards committee. She mentioned that The Dr. Don Brearley Branch Newsletter Award had been won by The Ottawa Genealogist. A new award for the best branch website was won by Kingston Branch with an honourable mention to Quinte Branch.
Many of the branch board members will continue in their roles. Doug Gray takes on the role of Chair from Norah Larocque-Cousins. The program will be handled by co-Directors Heather Oakley, Richard McGregor and Mike More.
Doug Gray mentioned a tentative date for the next Gene-O-Rama, 27-28 March 2015.
Following the AGM members heard from OGS Past President Shirley Sturdevant about developments which have resulted in a change in the composition of the Board of Directors, and on future directions from President Alan Campbell involving a heavier reliance on technology.

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